Is The Overall Direction Of The Market About To Change?

After a sustained period of strength, has the current market decided to change it’s trend? Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist, 44-year veteran trader, and co-developer of the PTS Primo Charting platform as he answers the question “Is The Overall Direction Of The Market About To Change?” Steven will introduce a powerful “overall trend” […]

Next Level Pullback Trading

“Pullback” signals are high probability set-ups that appear over and over again in today’s markets. But is there a strategy built to specifically identify these consistent set-ups, and if so, what is it? Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist, and 44-year veteran trader as he presents “Next Level Pullback Trading.” In this educational webinar, […]

Swing Trade Using Options -Bearish Moves- #6. Short Call

The Short Call is an unlimited risk bearish options strategy, that profits when the underlying asset decreases in value. Although many traders usually look to a Long Put Option Strategy for a bearish assumption, we will show why in certain situations it is more logical to use the Short Call Option Strategy. I touch on […]

Pinpointing Strong Trending Markets In Advance

Ever wish you could pinpoint a strong trending move well before anyone else has? Whether you are an intraday trader or a long-term investor, whether you trade stocks, currency pairs or futures, Steven Primo will share with you one of his favorite methods for capturing the trend in advance. A 44-year veteran of trading the […]

Swing Trades Using Options -Bearish Moves- #7. Synthetic Short

The Synthetic Short Option Strategy is a (very) Bearish options strategy that profits when the price of the underlying asset decreases in value. The Synthetic Short Option strategy is considered a very aggressive (bearish) option strategy is because this strategy will increase or decrease in value in the same manner (almost dollar for dollar) as […]

How To Pinpoint Your Optimal Position Size

Too many Stock Traders are undercapitalized yet continue to overtrade. This eventually leads to a series of drawdowns which can be devastating, especially for the beginning trader. One way to avoid this problem is by knowing in advance how many shares or lots to properly trade per signal. But just what is the proper amount […]

Steven Primo Introduces His New Bracket Breakout Method

What if I told you there was a simple and easy way to identify markets just days before they were set to break out? And what if you could scan for powerful individual stock set-ups on a nightly basis? If these features meet your own personal trading requirements then our “Bracket Breakout Method” may be […]

Swing Trades Using Options – Bearish Moves- #8. Long Put Calendar

The Long Put Calendar Option Strategy is a long(er) term option strategy that profits when the underlying stock or ETF goes down in value. For a swing trade, that is expected to last for longer than 60 days, the Long Put Calendar option strategy is an options strategy for when a trader, who has a […]

SPECIAL REPLAY: Steven Primo’s New Bracket Breakout Trading Method

What if I told you there was a simple and easy way to identify markets just days before they were set to break out? And what if you could scan for powerful individual stock set-ups on a nightly basis? If these features meet your own personal trading requirements then our “NEW BRACKET BREAKOUT TRADING METHOD” […]

Two Methods To Help You Succeed In The Market

When I first started trading on the floor of the Pacific Stock Exchange I was introduced to these simple methods that have helped sustain my trading for over 4 decades. These trading edges are so consistent they can be applied to virtually any market, any time frame, and in any direction. Join me as I […]

Swing Trades Using Options -Bearish Moves- #9. Long Put Diagonal

The Long Put Diagonal option strategy is a long(er) term option strategy that profits when the underlying Stock, ETF or Future goes down in value. Generally, this is considered a longer-term strategy that carries less risk, higher probabilities of success and a far better Return on Investment (ROI) than traditional short trades using a Stock, […]

How To Be In Sync With The Overall & Short-Term Trend

Traders who trade with the trend have been taught to patiently wait for a lower time frame to be in sync with a higher one. But does this technique necessarily generate consistent trades? Join Steven Primo, former Stock Exchange Specialist and 44-yr. veteran trader and as he reveals “How To Be In Sync With The […]

Finding Extreme Moves Doesn’t Get Any Easier Than This

What if there were a tool that was designed to tell you in advance when an extreme move was just about to take place? And what if you could access that tool with just 1 click of your mouse? Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist and 44-year professional trader, as he presents his most […]

Swing Trades with Options -Sideways Moves- #1. The Short Iron Condor

The Short Iron Condor profits when the price of the underlying asset remains in a relatively tight trading range  (or a market-neutral bias). Swing Traders who are looking to take advantage of a sideways market will get more bang for their buck in boring markets. Now, identifying the trend is obvious to the success of […]

How To Identify Markets Just Days Before They Breakout

What if I told you there was a simple and easy way to identify markets just days before they were set to break-out? And what if you could scan for powerful individual stock set-ups on a nightly basis? If these features meet your own personal trading requirements then our “NEW BRACKET BREAKOUT TRADING COURSE” may be just […]

Swing Trades Using Options -Sideways Moves- #2. Short Iron Butterfly

The Short Iron Butterfly profits when the price of the underlying asset moves within a somewhat tight trading range. I will discuss how a Swing Trader, who may be looking to take advantage of an underlying that is just stuck. A trader will get more bang for their buck, and with less risk, most other […]

Secrets Of Finely Tuned Entry Points – Part 1

Ask yourself this question: how is your trading going? Not seeing the type of results you were promised? Many times all that’s needed is a simple correction in the way you enter your trades. Join Steven Primo, former Stock Exchange Specialist and 44-year veteran trader, as he reveals the “Secrets Of Finely Tuned Entry Points.” […]

Your Search For The Perfect Trading Technique Ends Here

Many trading methods work great until the market decides to change directions. This leaves traders wondering if there a simple but powerful way to trade any market environment. Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist and 44-year professional trader, as he reveals “Your Search For The Perfect Trading Technique Ends Here.” In this educational webinar […]

Swing Trades With Options -Sideways Moves- #3. The Long Call Butterfly

The Long Call Butterfly is an option strategy that profits when the stock, ETF or Future stays within a tight trading range (Market Neutral Assumption) or migrates higher (slightly Bullish Market Assumption) to a price location the trader or investor believes to be a target. Most of the time, when trading options, we associate "Long" […]

Secrets Of Finely Tuned Entry Points – Part 2

In this follow up to last week’s educational discussion, Mr. Primo will walk you through the step-by-step process of even more advanced entry techniques. As stated in Part 1 of this series, many times all that’s needed to increase your odds for consistency is to simply alter the way in which you enter your trades. […]