Powerful Short-Term Set-Ups That Last 3-5 Days

In the current market environment is it wise to hold onto a position for an extended period of time? Do you really want to risk your money during this volatile period? If this describes your current trading dilemma, then the new “Short-Term” Strategy #10 may be just what you need. Based on all proprietary short-term […]

Swing Trades Using Options: #3. Short Put Spread

The Short Put Spread is an options strategy that profits when the price of the underlying asset increases in value (or is said to have a bullish move) Traders who are looking to take advantage of a bullish move might want to use another strategy but know that there is a time and place for […]

An Easy Way To Trade Tops & Bottoms

Nearly all traders have been taught that the quickest and most profitable way to make money in the markets is by trading overbought & oversold environments. But if this were the norm, then why do most traders lose money? Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist, and 44-year professional trader as he reveals "An Easy […]

Pinpointing Strong Trending Markets In Advance

Ever wish you could pinpoint a strong trending move well before anyone else has? Whether you are an intraday trader or a long-term investor, whether you trade stocks, currency pairs, or futures, Steven Primo will share with you one of his favorite methods for capturing the trend in advance. A 44-year veteran of trading the […]

Swing Trades Using Options: #4. Poor Man’s Covered Call

The Poor Man's Covered Call is an options strategy that profits when the price of the underlying asset increases in value (or a bullish move). We can use swing trades to increase our odds of a winning trade and can further increase our chances by using options. Swing Traders who are looking to take advantage […]

Everything You Need To Know About Advanced Entries

Ask yourself this question: how is your trading going? Not seeing the type of results you were promised? Many times all that’s needed is a simple correction in the way you enter your trades. Join Steven Primo, former Stock Exchange Specialist, and 44-year veteran trader, as he reveals “Everything You Need To Know About Advanced […]

Introducing Steven Primo’s New 1-Day “DYNAMIC STOP COURSE”

One of the most common statements we hear among new members is “My strategy generates signals just fine, but I get stopped out of the trade either too early or too late. What is the best possible stop placement for my trading?” If you’re experiencing these same issues with your own personal trading then our […]

Swing Trades Using Options: #5. Bull Risk Reversal

The Bull Risk Reversal is an options strategy that profits when the price of the underlying asset increases in value (or a bullish move). Using charts to find swing trades can increase our odds of a winning trade but can using options even further increase our odds of a winning trade? Yes, Swing Traders who […]

Buying & Selling “Shallow Pullback” Set-Ups

“Shallow Pullback” signals are high probability set-ups that appear over and over again in today’s markets. But these signals are usually generated by applying a particular type of strategy...what is it? Join Steven Primo, former Stock Exchange Specialist, and 44-year veteran trader as he presents “Buying & Selling Shallow Pullback Set-Ups.” In this educational webinar, […]

Swing Trades With Options: #6. Short Put

The Short Put is an options strategy that profits in many ways but when the price of the underlying asset increases in value (or a bullish move) is the quickest way to profit from the Short Put. We'll show how to spot swing trades and how they can increase our odds of a winning trade, […]

Introducing Steven Primo’s New 1-Day “DYNAMIC STOP COURSE”

One of the most common statements we hear among new members is “My strategy generates signals just fine, but I get stopped out of the trade either too early or too late. What is the best possible stop placement for my trading?” If you’re experiencing these same issues with your own personal trading then our […]

Will You Be Prepared To Trade When The Market Reverses?

Many trading methods work great until the market dramatically changes directions. It’s at this time that most systems will go into a drawdown and produce a series of losses. Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist and 44-year professional trader, as he asks the question “Will You Be Prepared To Trade When The Market Reverses?” […]

Swing Trades With Options: #7. Synthetic Long

The Synthetic Long Option Strategy is a (very) Bullish option strategy that profits when the price of the underlying asset increases in value. The Synthetic Long Option strategy is considered a very aggressive (bullish) because this strategy will increase or decrease in value in the same manner (almost dollar for dollar) as the stock , […]

This Statistic Is Correct 80% Of The Time

If you’ve been a student of Steven Primo’s trading education you already know that he doesn’t follow statistics. In fact, the core concept of his teaching is that no two traders should ever trade alike! But there is one piece of numerical data that Mr. Primo does believe in. Why? Because this stat has been […]

How To Identify Bracket Trades Before They Take Off

Bracket Trading can be a highly consistent and profitable way to trade markets. The problem is that most traders have difficulty in knowing what to look for, and by the time they find out it’s too late. Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist, and 44-year veteran trader as he presents “How To Identify Bracket […]

Swing Trades With Options: #8. Long Call Calendar

The Long Call Calendar Option Strategy is a long(er) term option strategy that profits when the underlying stock or ETF increases in value. For a swing trade that is expected to last for longer than 60 days, The Long Call Calendar option strategy is an option strategy that is a great option strategy when a […]

A Strategy I’ve Been Trading For Over 44 Years

When I first started trading on the floor of the Pacific Stock Exchange I was introduced to a strategy that has helped sustain my trading for over 4 decades. This method is so consistent that it can be applied to virtually any market, any time frame, and in any direction. Please join me as I […]

Swing Trades With Options: #9. Long Call Diagonal

The Long Call Diagonal option strategy is a long(er) term option strategy that profits when the underlying Stock, ETF or Future increases in value. Generally, this is considered a longer-term strategy that carries less risk, higher probabilities of success and a far better Return on Investment (ROI) than that of the Stock, ETF or Future. […]

Two Trading Components That Will Change The Way You Trade

Most traders are just a few trading secrets away from achieving total consistency, but these secrets can be the difference between success and failure in the markets. Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist and 44-year professional trader as he reveals the “Two Trading Components That Will Change The Way You Trade”. In this educational […]

Follow This 3-Step Process To Find The Biggest Moves

What if there were a tool that was designed to tell you in advance when an extreme move was just about to take place? And what if you could access that tool with just 1 click of your mouse? Join Steven Primo, Former Stock Exchange Specialist, and 44-year professional trader, as he presents his most […]