The Short Straddle options strategy will profit when a stock, ETF, or Future stays within the expected range or a trader has a Market Neutral Assumption. The Short Straddle is a very profitable strategy but it is also an unlimited risk strategy. That is why it is imperative for any trader (new or veteran) to watch this video. You will understand you to quickly spot when, where, and why this can be the best strategy for the given market conditions but more importantly how to avoid mistakes!
Knowing how to spot the correct market conditions for the Short Straddle option strategy is going to be what makes a successful trade or what could be a very costly mistake. I will spend as much time as it takes to make sure you understand the when, where, and why we would choose the Short Straddle, over any other option strategy, and how to exit successfully. Join Eric “The Wolfman” Wilkinson, former Chicago Board of Trade floor trader and 25 years professional trader, as he will show you how to spot the best time to trade a Short Straddle.